2FA is available

01 Jul 2020

Published by Uniex.biz

Hello, partners! Some users are concerned that their passwords may not be reliable protection against hacking. We have received many letters in the mail with a request to ensure the maximum degree of protection for your assets. We are realizing that our partners earn a lot of money with us and for many of you mining with Uniex is the main source of income. So we tried to create the necessary degree of protection in the shortest possible time.


We provide you 2FA at Uniex today! No longer worry about protecting your investment. Now you can activate an additional level of security at any time and reliably protect your earnings. When 2FA is activated each withdrawal will require confirmation. Now no one except you can withdraw your funds.


Making money with Uniex is even more reliable. We are here to provide you with fair conditions for mining. Invest right now and get profit from the operation of your equipment because it is the most profitable and safe.



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