
Plans: 0.2% on business days for 25 days, PB | 2% weekly for 26 weeks (2% profit!)

Investment: 100 | 482%
Min.deposit: 25$
Withdrawal: Manual
Lifetime: 3855 days
Monitored: 2105 days
Last payout: 18/Dec/22
Bad votes: 5
Verified: 1
Status Not Paying
Referral: 3%-1%-0.5%

Details SolidTradeBank was listed by ISA on 12/Sept/2018 in Incubator section thanks to extremely long lifetime - since 2013. I played it in the beginning, but then left it for 5 years. I am playing it again since July 2018.
Please keep in mind that you can deposit just via PM or PY, other payment methods are outdated - intentionally, to keep the inflow low and extend the lifetime. I am curious how long will it last, or will be redesigned ever?

Update: sure, nice redesign in the end of 2019

Update: decreased ROI: 0.2% for 25 business days (previous daily plan: 0.5% for 20 b.days) 2020

Update: so many cryptocurrencies were added, but USD remains the main currency for all (21/Dec/2021) 

Update: PM is disabled, active PM balance can be exchanged just for TRC20 - Thron. And withrdaral fee was added - 1$ (Feb/2021)

Update: referral rewards was increased from 0.5% to 3 levels: 2% - 1% - 0.5% (3/Sept) This day I was rewarded by a Bronz level, so I am able to give 3% from your deposits back to you - for my first level referrals.

Update: some investors reported withdrwal limits, they are able to withdraw just tiny amounts. I do not recommend to invest! (16/DEC)

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Payout 22.10.2020, 14:19 - $4.4. Batch: 342274091 - after one day.

ISA, joined: 22-02-20

Published 22 Oct 20 14:19

Payout 09.10.2020, 07:01 - $2.2. Batch: 339182304 - within 3 hours.

ISA, joined: 22-02-20

Published 09 Oct 20 07:01

Payout 01.10.2020, 20:20 - $3.45. Batch: 337778966 - within 8 hours.

ISA, joined: 22-02-20

Published 01 Oct 20 20:20

Payout 24.09.2020, 22:24 - $2.2. Batch: 336124295 - within 14 hours.

ISA, joined: 22-02-20

Published 24 Sep 20 22:25

Payout 16.09.2020, 05:30 - $2.2. Batch: 334560908 - within 2 hours.

ISA, joined: 22-02-20

Published 16 Sep 20 05:30

Payout 08.09.2020, 21:32 - $4.4. Batch: 333460296 - within an hour.

ISA, joined: 22-02-20

Published 08 Sep 20 21:33

Payout 27.08.2020, 18:15 - $4.55. Batch: 331151082 - within 10 hours.

ISA, joined: 22-02-20

Published 27 Aug 20 18:16

Payout 13.08.2020, 20:54 - $ 4.4. Batch: 328885397 - within 14 hours.

ISA, joined: 22-02-20

Published 13 Aug 20 20:54

Payout 03.08.2020, 05:45 - $2.2. Batch: 327166092 - paid after one day.

ISA, joined: 22-02-20

Published 03 Aug 20 05:46

Payout 26.07.2020, 06:32 - $2.2. Batch: 325572006 - after one day.

ISA, joined: 22-02-20

Published 26 Jul 20 06:32

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