Announces partnership

01 Jul 2020

Published by Vixes

👋 Hello, partners! 😉 We believe in a cryptocurrency future and are developing approaching our goal step by step. Thanks to our principles of work we not only help you to earn money but also make the whole world of cryptocurrencies better. Each of your investments is not only an opportunity to earn but also significant support and contribution to the future of the cryptocurrency world.


🔥 Sometimes it is not enough to move alone to achieve a dream. Nearby there may be someone who needs support and is waiting for an opportunity to realize their capabilities. 🌍 We have already extended a helping hand to each of the more than 95,000 miners around the world. But today is a special case.


🎯 Vixes announces support and sponsorship for the Australian company CoinJar. These are people who help make financial transactions with cryptocurrencies throughout Australia. These guys do incredible things, helping to realize our dreams. 🔥 Thanks to the support of Vixes our partners will be able to expand its activities over time and go beyond Australia allowing millions of people who want to use cryptocurrency.


❔ Do you remember how we all dreamed when the day would come and we could use our cryptocurrency for financial operations? This day is coming and some features are available now! 💶 By investing in Vixes you are investing in the future! Do it right now.



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