The crisis will pass

08 Apr 2020

Published by Vixes

The global economic crisis which began because of the coronavirus pandemic and the collapse in oil prices, hang over business and human well-being. However, it is worth noting that the crisis is a great start for something new. At this time the cost of goods and services can be significantly reduced. For this reason, investment is becoming more profitable and affordable. The crisis will pass and prices will begin to rise to their previous values. But you didn’t wait for prices to raised again right? You have earned through this time⏳ . The experience of past world crises of 1998 and 2008 showed that investments in promising companies during the crisis justify themselves in 😎 94% of cases.

Of course you should not invest in small business for which the consequences of the crisis may turn out to be the most tangible and painful. ⚠️ About 63% of small businesses may be on the verge of bankruptcy if the quarantine in the world lasts longer than a month. Choose promising and reliable companies. 😷 The COVID-19 pandemic has clearly demonstrated the need for mankind to switch to electronic payments and the crisis that has arisen due to falling oil prices will require more attention to the development of alternative energy sources. 

Right now it's the right time for the development of cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies. We at Vixes know that cryptocurrency will be used worldwide. That is why we pay close attention to cryptocurrency mining. Do not wait until everything is decided without your participation. 

⚡️ Just evolve. 

⚡️ Take action.



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